Is We Streaming

Got a new game system? Let's set up your stream environment.

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Photo by ELLA DON / Unsplash

That's right humans it's stream season!!!!! JK Welcome new gamers young and old. Let's get you setup to prosper, but before that I want to state that I'm absolutely biased. I'll be talking about streaming to twitch and using the Elgato software. None of the links are affiliate links but if Elgato sees this I'd love a mic arm and pop filter for my wave 3. 😬

Twitch account

Go here and hit the sign up button in the top right. Pick a cool username tho bc you never know when someone will shout you out or something. Lastly before we leave use these instructions to setup 2FA because we are secure in these streets.


I'll take this time to make an assumption on how your gaming. I'm only going to cover the switch and the playstation (what I play the most). I'm also going to assume that your switch is hooked up to a monitor on your desk and that you like to stream directly from your playstation. Let's get to the real stuff shall we?

Spend some money

What money?!

Never fear I'm cheap and got you. All you need is a good headset so get these. (remember I'm biased). These work well for me and I wear glasses. I also hear the Astro brand is really good but no personal experience so no link.

PS: No switch streaming for you yet

I can finally splurge

Great! Let's get a mic for the computer when using the switch, a headset (for the playstation), a game capture card for the switch, and snacks....never forget your snacks. (If your not over 21 don't click that last link)

Playstation Setup

I'm doing this first because it's easy. Turn on your playstation > Go to Settings > Account Management > Link with Other Services > Twitch > Sign In.

When you want to stream your game hit the share button on the controller, hit broadcast (or something silimar), set the details, and have fun.

PS: If your friends are a lot you might want to make sure they aren't heard. Personal experience.

Switch Setup (also works with playstation)

So this one is a bit longer. To kick things off go download the Elgato software and once it's done log into twitch. Elgato has the easiest software setup on the planet but to explain how the hardware works together I'm just going to link this video like a decent person.

TLDR: tv cord to elgato and elgato to system on the 2 hdmi side, elgato to computer on the 1 hdmi side

If you got the Wave mic download that software as well and make sure that you set it as your mic in the elgato app.

How do I read comments?

On Playstation you can read them on screen but the "cool" kids download the twitch app and open the streamer dashboard while streaming....or use their computer.

I'm wealthy and have 2+ monitors

Must be nice. Just pull up twitch streamer dashboard on your screen then.

What you need to be successful

Hell if I know. lol I stream to have fun. Hopefully I'll be back on a lot more in the coming months with tech and non-rage at COD...I might even share Cyberpunk with you all. Anyway have fun and be prosperous!

You thought I was done?

This is the end but thank Ari for getting me to write this. Check out her site and Allergic to Hourly course if your an entrepreneur (I don't think she works with streamers yet).