DevOps World "Review"

My review of Devops world and some notes

DevOps World "Review"

Whats good humans? This should be pretty quick and somewhat helpful, I hope. Last week I attended DevOps World which was a virtual conference about all things devops hosted by CloudBees. CloudBees are the people over Jenkins. I decided to attend for 2 reasons:

  • I'm really trying to get my foot in the door and I wanted to see what type of stuff I needed to know
  • They had a free Jenkins cert voucher

How was it?

I thought the conference was cool. It started at 8am EST which was a bit unfortunate but after standup I'd login and listen to different talks (I even live tweeted a few). I had no set talks I had to attend, but I would take about 5mins to scroll through the agenda and bookmark the talks I wanted to attend every morning. I think the pre-recorded format was great! The only time it got a little weird was with panels but they also had a Q&A sections so speakers were there or in the general chat answering whatever people wanted. I thought that was nice. Imagine giving people the space to ask questions immediately while digesting info without disturbing others.

There was also a vender section. I went there and it was pretty interesting but I don't feel like I was knowledgeable enough to really ask anything. This brings me to me only "con", I think there was a lot of mid-sr level talks but not enough jr-ish level talks. I get why this was probably a thing though. There really isn't a jr level position in the devops field from what I've seen. Lastly I really loved the resources people dropped (books and OSS). I don't think I would have socially been able to handle this conference in person. I probably would have went to maybe 2 talks and headed out. There were a lot of people online and that was cool to see that everyone everywhere uses Jenkins or some type of CI/CD tool.

All in all I think I might try to attend this even again next year even if it's in person. I should have even more experience and maybe can contribute to the conversation especially as it relates to moving from dev to more infrastructure. Anyway below are some of my notes that you might find interesting

Things to look into and books

  • android infrastructure engineer
  • what are mobile cabs
  • Edge x foundry is OSS
  • Jenking Spock
  • look into merge queue - help when a big team trying to merge
  • Influence w/o authority
  • Predictability Irrational
  • Sway
  • Range
  • Start with security in mind in the begining and not later
  • make sure leadership has buy-in/ understands need
  • check out Jenkins X
  • Example on Mapping -> The Cucumber Book