Allergic To Hourly Review

Holas! I bet you wouldn't have guessed I was in this program huh? 😬 Regardless this is my review of being in the program as my 8 months comes to an end. I'll start by telling you what Allergic To Hourly is and then we will get into the good stuff. Lastly I want to point out the obvious, yes I know Ari in real life but she didn't treat me differently than anyone else. She is very good at establishing boundaries between friendship and business and that's why I had no worries applying to the program.

What is Allergic To Hourly (ATH)?

ATH is a business coaching group lead by Ari and team. If you also don't really understand what that means let me explain. A group of people (not sure the number) start on the same day and work through modules weekly. We have training calls and Q&A calls. I'm in the og group so training was on par for me, but most importantly you want to be on the Q&A calls to hear all the different questions from people (it might help you).

What are your thoughts then?

I should mention how I knew it was time to get a business coach. I peaked in business. I had been half-assing for so long that all my progress felt like plugging holes. Yea, I could ask friends here and there but I needed a full business audit. When Ari released this of course I wasn't sure I was a fit, but clearly I was wrong.

I started this program thinking I'd focus on gov't contracting. By the end of the first month I changed my mind. Yes, I want to do gov't contracting but I also wanted to be accessible for any business.  I don't really think it was expected to use this program for gov't contracting. It's still makes for a service based business but they are very picky.

Upon this realization I felt like the assignments got easier so I kinda had to start over 2-3mos in. That's how I got to talking to Sherelle. At the start of the year she helped me with copy and I think it was a big turning point for me because now I was communicating to both gov't and non-gov't businesses.

People have and do fall off a bit in the program for whatever reasons. Hell, I didn't do anything the month of November. The thing is, Ari and her team treat you like an adult. You really going to pay for something you wanted and not put in some work? Nah.

If your looking into the program I think there are two questions you have to ask yourself:

  1. Am I ready to really get my shit together to make "real" money?
  2. I'm I seriously invested in myself and business?

I'm not even going to talk about price because that didn't matter to me. I knew 1 of 2 things would happen. I'd work it into my budget and/or this program would pay for itself quickly. There are tons of people who said they made their money back + some. They really went to town on everything. Like I said before I slacked off, but as I bounce back I'm finally getting business and such as expected.

With the help of Ari, coaches, and the other Allergies I really got my shit together. I have a better website, amazing systems, and know exactly what needs to be improved for customer experience. If this wasn't clear enough this has been one of my best investments since starting a business.

"In Conclusion..."

As of typing this I'm not 100% done but I have all the tools I need to meet my goal (250k/yr minimum). I would highly recommend the program if your ready to focus on growing your business, and I suggest you check out the virtual conference (affiliate link).