I'm coming back

Talking about my study plan for the year

So look. I originally started this to track my path getting into devops, but then I got into devops. At that point I didn't know what else to add to this thing. Well in the words of John Wick "I'm thinking, I'm back!".

What are you going to do?

Well I'm going to do what I do best: talk about things I'm studying. Yes, I'm in devops but I need to dig deeper. I'm not feeling like I have the skills I should in my 1year in this space. I want the same amount of confidence I have in devops that I have in general dev things so I made a "plan" and I'm going to push through it this year.

Oh! I also don't want to lie here, 80% of this want also comes from wanting more money and more freedom.

What's the plan?

I'll be focusing on 3 things I think will put me above everyone:

  • networking
  • containers
  • native cloud for AWS and Azure


My networking has remained ok for years. It could be way better and for someone who excelled in advance networking classes in both ugrad and grad...I'm just not satisfied. I'll be watching videos by John (I know him but he also explains really well) and then maybe do a round of studying for the network+ for a final test of knowledge.


I work in containers but I need to go deeper. The simple things really mean little to nothing. I need to be a Kubernetes God and building full stack applications of all types. Within this I'd also really like to focus on monitoring. The ELK stack comes up a lot and I think I need to real focus on those core programs.

Native Cloud

This one is pretty simple. I use terraform which is cool but I need to be able to use cloud formation and Azure ARM. Why? I see that being a skill to have on most job post. I think I'm pretty much there but I don't want to assume, I rather have documented proof.

That it?

Yups! I'm pretty specialized with a cloud provider so at this point I just need to beef up my core skills that can be used with any platform. I know I also specifically mentioned AWS and Azure, but that's because I really don't like GCP for personal things. 😬

I think these 3 focuses will drastically change my life in the next year or two. I'll document the whole thing so per usual just keep your eyes peeled for updates.